Bible basics
An explanation of the Bible, which consists of an Old Testament and a New Testament
Christian beliefs
A quick explanation of the basic beliefs within Christianity
Evidence that Jesus Christ is the Son of God
Evidence that Jesus is the Messiah who was promised by the prophets of the Old Testament
Fulfilled Bible Prophecies
A selection of Bible prophecies that have been fulfilled already and some that will be fulfilled during the End Times with the return of Jesus Christ
What is salvation?
Jesus Christ died for our sins and through him believers are forgiven of their sins and given the gift of eternal life in heaven
George Konig's testimonial
George Konig's testimonial about becoming a Christian in 1989
10 things Christians can do everyday
Help people, don't worry, read the Bible, give thanks and praise, forgive your enemies, and tell others about Jesus Christ and what he has done for you.
Bible history timeline
A history of the land and people of Israel during Biblical times
100 Bible prophecies explained, from the book
100 Prophecies
Title page
Table of contents
Chapter 1: 10 major prophecies
Chapter 2: 10 prophecies fulfilled by Israel
Chapter 3: 10 prophecies fulfilled by Jesus' birth
Chapter 4: 10 prophecies fulfilled during Jesus' life and ministry
Chapter 5: 10 prophecies involving the betrayal, persecution and crucifixion of Jesus
Chapter 6: 10 other prophecies involving Jesus
Chapter 7: 10 prophecies given by Jesus Christ
Chapter 8: 10 prophecies fulfilled by Nineveh and Babylon
Chapter 9: 10 prophecies fulfilled by other nations
Chapter 10: 10 End Times prophecies
Closing thoughts
Christian beliefs
Apostles' Creed
Nicene Creed
Athanasian Creed
Bibliography and notes
About the authors
Articles and explanations
Christianity basics
Bible basics
Things Christians can do
Evidence involving Jesus
Articles and essays
Fulfilled Bible prophecies
Bible history timeline