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100 Prophecies, the book

This chapter is from a copyright book, 100 Prophecies, by Ray Konig. It is reprinted here with permission from the author. The new and expanded version of this book, now called 100 Fulfilled Bible Prophecies, is available at

Table of contents

Title page

Table of contents


Chapter 1: 10 major prophecies

Chapter 2: 10 prophecies fulfilled by Israel

Chapter 3: 10 prophecies fulfilled by Jesus' birth

Chapter 4: 10 prophecies fulfilled during Jesus' life and ministry

Chapter 5: 10 prophecies involving the betrayal, persecution and crucifixion of Jesus

Chapter 6: 10 other prophecies involving Jesus

Chapter 7: 10 prophecies given by Jesus Christ

Chapter 8: 10 prophecies fulfilled by Nineveh and Babylon

Chapter 9: 10 prophecies fulfilled by other nations

Chapter 10: 10 End Times prophecies

Closing thoughts

Christian beliefs

Apostles' Creed

Nicene Creed

Athanasian Creed

Bibliography and notes

About the authors